aha! products on Migros' shelves for 15 years
In the spirit of "simplicity made easy", the "seal of quality aha!" labels products for people with allergies and intolerances and thus simplifies their safe and quick shopping.
Products bearing the seal of quality aha! are tested and verified by the independent certification body Service Allergie Suisse SA and are recommended by aha! Swiss Allergy Center. The certification process is based on strict guidelines that monitor production, labelling, and distribution.
Why is collaboration important to us
aha! is the best-known brand for products for allergy sufferers in Switzerland. Those affected look out for the quality seal aha! and have confidence in it. We put emphasis on control and therefore have our Migros own brands with allergen claims certified by Service Allergie Suisse.
Teresa Herger
Nutrition & Health Project Manager
Federation of Migros Cooperatives

Why are products with the Allergy Seal of Quality important for me?
I want to be sure that the products have been tested by a reputable institution. As an allergy sufferer, I rely on all the ingredients being clearly stated so that I don't expose myself to any health risks. Especially when it comes to personal care products and food.
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The Seal of Quality aha! from Migros
How did it all start? Those affected have to constantly deal with this topic in their everyday lives, because they need to strictly avoid the triggers of their allergy. In 2007, Migros launched an extensive range of products for allergy sufferers.
These products are carefully tested by Service Allergie Suisse and are distinguished by the light-green "seal of quality aha!". It helps those affected in two ways: thanks to the seal of quality aha!, they are able to find products that are suitable for them much more easily on the shelves and can be sure that the information on the packaging has been checked and is thus correct. Over the past 15 years, more than 700 Migros products have been tested and certified.
Find out more about the Allergy Seal of Quality in this video